Family Law Resource Room
Welcome to our Family Law Resource Room.
It’s a safe and private workspace to prepare court documents, complete legal research and attend virtual court.
Located in a secure area in our organization, the Resource Room offers a library of specialized resources, a phone line, computers, a scanner, a webcam and printer/copier.
It contains books, flyers, reports, and DVD’s on many topics. Most items may be signed out for three weeks. Some resources are for reference only.
One of our Legal/Family Court Support Workers, law students or a volunteer can assist you in finding reference material, completing court forms and using special software that will make it a little easier to get your family’s history down on paper.
To access the Resource Room
Book the Resource Room with your Legal/Family Court Support Worker. If you are new to our services, call us at 905.728.0978, ext. 235 or toll-free at 1.866.516.3116, or email us to book an appointment.
Topics covered
Here are some of the topics covered in the material we have available:
Legal issues
- child support
- custody and access
- divorce and separation
- stalking and criminal harassment
- immigration
- legal aid
- family court process
- mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods (ADR)
- parenting
- impact of violence on children
- child care
Recovering from abuse
- violence in relationships and families
- abusers
- healthy relationships
- self care
- sexual assault/sexual abuse
- cultural considerations
- other health issues
- government
- in the Durham Region
Gender-based violence research
- community responses and protocols
- reports and studies
- social and public policies
- surveys and statistics
We use the term women to include all women (including two-spirited, cisgender or transgender women) 16 years of age and older.