Resources from Luke's Place
Luke’s Place offers a range of resources on the intersection of family law and violence against women.
For women
What is intimate partner violence?
The term intimate partner violence describes the abuse of power by one partner in a dating, common-law, married, or otherwise intimate relationship. This kind of abuse may also be called “gender-based violence”, “family violence”, “gender-based abuse” or “woman abuse”. This webpage includes a lengthy list of abuse tactics.
What does family law have to do with violence against women?
Making decisions at the end of an abusive relationship is challenging and often dangerous for the woman and her children. It is at this high-risk time that many people become involved with family court.
The law and parenting arrangements after separation: A toolkit for women
Legal information about the laws for arrangements for children after a relationship ends as well as tip sheets and checklists. Available in English (National version (PDF)or Ontario version (PDF)) or French (National version (PDF) or Ontario version (PDF)). Learn more about The law and parenting arrangements after separation toolkit.
Supporting after separation: Legal information and resources for a survivor’s friends and family members
If you are a family member or a friend of a woman with children who is leaving an abusive relationship, this toolkit is for you. Download the toolkit in English (PDF) or French (PDF).
Family court and beyond
Safety plans, legal information and strategies on how to survive family court packaged as a workbook, an organizer and a website. Download the whole workbook in English or French or individual worksheets from the site for free. Designed for women, but lawyers and service providers find this a great tool for working with clients. Women’s organizations can order packages of 10 workbooks or organizers.
Tech safety toolkit
A collection of information about tech abuse, spyware, smarthomes and keeping safe on smartphones and the web. Includes family law strategies and a workshop template for service providers.
Family court operations guide
A detailed resource for anyone navigating Ontario's evolving family court system, this guide covers serving and filing documents, virtual court appearances, where to get support and more. Last updated in January 2024.
For service providers
After she leaves manual
Designed for women's service providers, this manual covers a wide range of topics related to gender-based violence in the family, the family law process, parenting arrangements and how to effectively advocate.
Emergency motions toolkit
Detailed information for advocates assisting women who need emergency motions for different family law situations.
CKW advocacy inquest toolkit
Developed to assist organizations that do not have the time or resources to develop their own advocacy strategy and tools. It reflects Luke's Place priorities and is meant to inspire rather than limit the strategies we use to advocate.
Feminist law reform e-learning
This free self-directed, multi-module e-learning looks at how to do law reform as a community-based organization. It covers the steps in a law reform campaign, including how to work effectively in a coalition. It also looks at other forms of law reform and recent campaigns. Please contact us to gain access.
Feminist media leadership e-learning
This free self-directed, multi-module e-learning looks at how to work with the media to promote gender-based violence concerns. It covers traditional and social media, the media spokesperson, communication tools, interviews and the language for these situations. Please contact us to gain access.
Family law webinars
Our recorded webinars cover issues such as emergency motions, relocating with children, the best interests of the child test, restraining orders and many more issues.
Going the distance
A publication for service providers, policy makers and others on supporting rural and remote abuse survivors with their family law issues. Download Going the distance (PDF).
Legal service model toolkit
Designed for women’s organizations wishing to build their capacity to provide legal support, this package contains Luke’s Place procedures and policies as well as our workshops for women. Available in 2025.
Understanding intersectionality
This workbook is designed to support women's services to reflect on social location, power, privilege and oppression. Download Understanding intersectionality (PDF).
The Luke’s Place blog
Watch our weekly blog posts for legal news and family court strategies for women and their allies. We have specific sections on case law, current events and frequently asked questions about family law and more.
The impact of third parties on solicitor-client privilege
This paper takes the position that the presence of professional advocates does not destroy this privilege and, in fact, enhances the lawyer-client relationship.